Sunday 25 March 2007

Day 5

I have a feeling that weekends are going to be the worst for me. I don't have (much) food to tempt me at work but weekends are a completely different story. At the moment, Dean is cooking a chicken sunday dinner for him and the kids. I have been fantasising about one of his yorkshire puddings ever since I started on LL - they are melt in the mouth delicious. Oh well, I have to see the big picture - I'd rather be thin than have a yorkshire pud! I'm having real problems keeping up with the four litres a day because I don't drink water whilst I'm out in case I can't get to a toilet in time! How do you girls manage? Do you drink your quota of water at home?

I discovered the minimims forum the other night - the women on there are very nice and supportive and some of there before and after pics are amazing! I can't wait to post mine on there. I think I'm going to get dean to take some pics of me in a bikini (yuck) so I can do my before and after when I'm finished!

My mum went to see my LLC on Saturday morning - she was gutted to be told that she wasn't fat enough to go on the LL diet. Now...most people would be happy to be told that they are not fat enough but she was quite upset. She saw LL as a way of losing the weight fast and motivating her to keep it off. She has bid on some LL packets on ebay - I hope they are the real thing...quite worrying really.

I've only told my mum and dean about me doing the LL diet - I don't want any negative comments about it - I've had enough of those during my life about my weight so I don't want anyone to interfere with my positive thoughts at the moment!

Onwards and upwards girls! :-)


Unknown said...

Can your mum not try the cambridge diet? I believe it is very similar and a lot cheaper, as there is not much councilling involved not sure about the criteria. I can drink my quota really easy at work as there is a water fountain near where I sit, but I must admit I lose count at home and think did I? somedays I go through the roof and drink loads keep smiling you will get there in the end xx

Lesley said...

Yeah - I find drinking the full quota fine at work but more of a struggle at home. The loo thing does settle down so it is not such a big issue as it is at the beginning - you won;t always be a prisoner of the toilet!

Re your mum, I agree with Ameythist and think the Cambridge diet is less restrictive and cheaper so that might work for her.

Keep it up - weekends do get easier.

Lesley x

. said...

I also struggle with the water at weekends but never do when I'm at work - in fact in work I usually drink more than the quota.

I agree with the other posts that your mum should try Cambridge - much rather that than buying packs off ebay.

I've also not told hardly anyone about me doing LL,not told work or some friends (even close ones) and only told my dad tonight as he was wondering why I wouldn't have a drink at their house ... works better for me this way I think.
